In:Site 2016 selected makers

We’re pleased to announce the 14 makers participating in this year’s In:Site Festival!

We will be revealing more about the In:Site programme in the next couple of weeks  – keep a look out for the booklet on the blog.

For now here’s a quick look at the graduate makers with links to their websites:

Amber Cooper-Green Birmingham City University, BA Jewellery

Amber Littleford Birmingham City University, BA Textile Design – Print & Surface Pattern

Amy Wallace De Montfort University, BA Design Crafts

Angelique Talbot Camberwell College, University of the Arts London, MA Visual Arts (Designer Maker)

Danielle Villiers Birmingham City University, BA Jewellery Design and Related Products

Evangeline Wharf De Montfort University, BA Design Crafts – specialising in Metalsmithing

Heeyoung Kim and Hannah Robson Royal College of Art, MA Textile design Print and MA Textile design weave

Laura Johnson Manchester School of Art, BA Three Dimensional Design: Jewellery Specialism

Laura Marriott Birmingham City University, BA Textile Design – Embroidery

Richard Maloney University of Brighton, BA 3D Design & Craft

Sarah Christie Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, BA Ceramic Design

Sarah Dewhurst Falmouth University, BA Contemporary Crafts

Victoria Manclus University of Brighton, BA 3D Design & Craft

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