In:Site 2016 – Day 2 – Tuesday 6th September

Today at In:Site was all about lino printing, arm knitting and making your mark.

The three artists participating in In:Site today were Amber Cooper Green, BA Jewellery and Related Products, Birmingham School of Jewellery, Amber Littleford, BA Textiles Design graduate, Birmingham City University and Amy Wallace, BA Design Crafts, De Montfort University.

Amber Cooper-Green

Jeweller Amber Cooper-Green invited passers by to contribute to her installation. On small wooden disks people could write their name, where they were born and why they were in the Cathedral Square on one side and print their fingerprint on the other.

One of Amber’s aims to highlight the diversity of people who pass through the Square and enjoyed chatting to everyone.

The chains were then displayed on the railings around the Cathedral.

Amber Littleford

Amber Littleford is an illustrator and print maker, after previously spending a day sketching in the Cathedral Square she then cut her designs into lino. These designs were printed onto large wooden discs to be displayed in the Square.

Amber encouraged the public to join in with lino printing to create montages of the images. The result was an interesting array of different arrangements on paper; it was great to see the various ways people used the lino cuts!

Amy Wallace

Amy Wallace used a variety of wools, cottons and even silicone to create her extreme knitting.

She used arm knitting and knitting needles (made from rolling pins!) to create her large scale knits which were then displayed in a tree in the Cathedral Square.

For more information on these artists please see their websites:

Amber Cooper-Green

Amber Littleford

Amy Wallace

[email protected]